R E F R E S H I N G . C R E A T I V E . R E A L .
Check back soon. ;) In the meantime, join us Sunday mornings at Twin Cities Church in Grass Valley... you will find me there a couple times a month as I help lead our amazing church family in songs and worship! |
Thanks For Stopping By!
My name is Lyndsey Barrett... Musician, vocalist, songwriter, artist. I love being creative, and more specifically, I love finding ways to communicate through the arts.
I am a firm believer that no one is beyond the reach and healing power of Jesus Christ. That’s part of the mystery of life. We can be broken, we can be hurt, we can mess things up... but we cannot, try as we might, move beyond God’s reach. For some reason, He longs to fix broken things. Longs to fill emptiness and heal heartache. Longs to make beauty out of all the shattered pieces. For that reason I sing and I write and I create. All as my feeble attempt to communicate some sliver of hope to someone who finds themselves in need. I write to share a piece of my journey in the hopes that it will resonate with your own... May your journey be made beautiful by the grace and power of God. .... At this time my album is not available for purchase. But I do have a really sweet song to give away over on my Special Download page. Enjoy. :) |
Quarantine Songs 2020
Live @ Twin Cities Church
"OCEANS" from Lyndsey Barrett on Vimeo.
10,000 Reasons from Twin Cities Church on Vimeo.
"Come To Me" from Twin Cities Church on Vimeo.